When you choose to work with Anankha, you’ll work with a person that has not only learned academically how to work with different emotional states, but has been the patient and knows the route out from the inside! Anankha struggled with depression and anxiety so deeply that she felt nothing but the desire to be dead 24/7. She could not begin to control the terror she was feeling and neither could the numerous psych meds the Psycho Pharmacologist gave her! Through her own personal journey she has been symptom and medication free for over twenty years. She has also built The Reference Point from the ground up, and has aspirations to grow exponentially and reach the far ends of the world.
We’ve designed Personal Coaching Sessions to be universally beneficial, because it deals with the issues that are important to you:
- When you feel stuck
- When you need a sounding board, or someone to listen unbiasedly
- Wanting to achieve something that seems out of your reach
- Weight Loss
- Hitting your own glass ceiling
- Needing to make an important decision that deeply affects your world
- Ready to go to the next level but don’t have a map (strategy)
- Fears and beliefs that are holding you hostage
- When you’re the victim of your own self-sabotage
- When you find yourself taking a backseat to your own life
- In needs of some deep emotional healing
- Desire personal growth & development
These situations, and others like them, are ripe for personal coaching. Coaching involves a series of one-on-one appointments with Anankha. Each coaching session lasts about 60 minutes, and during these appointments you explore the areas of your life where you’re not having the results you want. Utilizing a variety of techniques, Anankha will help you uncover your own personal map to success.
The great thing about coaching is that you will get something beneficial in every appointment. The whole point is to get your life moving in the direction you want it to go, and while that doesn’t happen overnight; you almost always see movement right away. Most people complete their Personal Coaching journey in just a few sessions while important or severe situations may take 6 months to a year. How long you continue with your sessions will depend on how deeply your concern is rooted in your life and how intensely you are working on its resolution.
The frequency of your appointments will reflect your current situation. To make steady, observable progress, most people should have a standing appointment every week. If you are dealing with an overwhelming issue, you may want sessions twice a week for the first month or so. Conversely, if there is relatively little urgency to your concerns, an appointment every few weeks may be perfectly adequate.
Please contact us if these words resonate with you. We are here to help you achieve the life you have always dreamt of.