Happy Spring! Time to clean, and not just your house! Your body wants to cleanse all the excess weight gathered during the cold of winter… and collected toxins. The place to start is with your bowels. Consider some Premier Cleanse to get things moving and if constipation is really a problem, try 1/4 teaspoon of Polar Mins daily. Clear out your body and get things flowing. If you want to flatten your stomach or clear cellulite now is the time to start coffee enemas…yes, it will be worth it.
Or maybe you need some bigger help to shed excess pounds. Those of you that attended our March lecture know we have launched a new program here at The Reference Point called “Transformations”. Transformations weight loss programs are Health and Weight Management Systems only available through a certified Health Practitioner, and were developed by Dr. Tony LeVannais, a Naturopath in Australia. Over 1 million people have utilized this program without side effects for over 16 years in New Zealand. Anyone interested in losing 10 pounds to 300 pounds will find success on one of our programs! The Ultra-Lite program (for those wanting to lose 20+ pounds) was designed to help those suffering from high blood pressure and Diabetes to regain control of their life. Contact us to book a free consultation with Anankha and Catherine to find out how Transformations can change your life!
We have even more great news…a brand new modality at The Reference Point – Low Level Laser Therapy! Welcome to our new Practitioner, Kathleen Ball and her wonderful work! The laser uses coherent photon (light) emission to assist the body to regain it’s own balance by transferring light to each organ, tissue, bone or cell in the frequency that it naturally resonates at. Basically communicating to each out of balance cell in it’s own language, and telling it, with support of the continued light, to return to it’s healthy, natural state. Kathleen offers free consultations and her laser therapy works in perfect concert with QRA!
In the spirit of “rising above“, please stay conscious of the pollution you are being bombarded with including radiation from the still leaking nuclear reactor in Japan. Visit www.enviroreporter.com for readings of radiation within California. Nutritional support Products we carry includes Green Tea – ND and Deltanol and perhaps XenoStat for thyroid support.
We are proud to announce we are about to upgrade from the ZYTO Balance to the ZYTO Elite. Soon you will experience a much deeper healing tool and I can’t express how very excited I am for ALL OF US for the possibilities… including long distance ZYTO testing – anywhere in the world!!!
Remember we offer free seminars each month that are designed to empower you to take better charge of your health. Often we have guest speakers or co-hosts that will expand your holistic knowledge and improve your edge. We also publish a monthly blog, many times you’ll find topics that folks don’t like to talk about out loud but really need help with. Pick up tips for clearing annoying conditions and improving vitality and wellness. You have to be the champion of your own health and we want to be your partner in that.
For our loyal readers we want to offer a monthly special through May – book a ZYTO Balance scan, code word “Thin Down Special” which includes a “Foundational” scan along with a “Metabolism Jumpstart” scan, and receive the special price of $ 30.00 (normally $45.00). Time to look good in those shorts and Summer wear!
Again thank you to our “Pay it Forward Benefactor” for donating a $ 25.00 Reference Point gift certificate which we raffled off to a happy winner at our April lecture. Thank you for your care of others, and your example.
Have a safe and happy May…get some good exercise, walk often, clear out the sludge and enjoy the nice weather.